COVID-19 Appointment Protocols
How NewView Eye Center has Responded to the COVID-19 Pandemic to Ensure Your Safety: UPDATED 8/23/2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has been scary for everyone but thanks to vaccines, we are trying to get back to our normal way of life as much as we can. Here at NewView Eye Center, we want you to know that we are here for you during this time. We are doing everything possible to keep you safe while still providing the state-of-the-art eye care that you’re used to from us.
For eye issues that do not require an appointment in the office, we continue to offer the use of our telehealth services through guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. All calls to NewView are accepted by one of our highly trained staff members, who in turn relays the message to one of our doctors. If the decision is made that the issue can be handled through a telehealth visit, the staff member will then set up either a
Facetime, Duo, or Zoom call between the patient and the physician. This allows the patient access to excellent healthcare without the risks associated with a visit to the office.
For patients seen in the office at NewView Eye Center, we continue to have some policies that reflect best practices to ensure everyone’s safety. Before you make your appointment, please ask yourself the following questions: “Do you have any sore throat, fever, fatigue, loss of smell or taste, or respiratory symptoms? and “Have you been in the presence of someone with known COVID-19 in the last 2-14 days?” If the answer to any of these questions is “yes”, then you may be asked to reschedule your appointment. If the answer to these questions is “no”, then you will be asked to fill out registration forms through our website prior to the appointment to reduce the amount of time in the office during the visit. Finally, “are you fully vaccinated and boosted?” No companions are allowed with you during the appointment unless assistance is needed.
While many government agencies and businesses have relaxed their mask mandates, we still require you wear a mask for your appointment. If you do not have a mask, we will provide you with one. One thing that has become crystal clear to us in the eye field is that we are in very close contact with our patients. This proximity is necessary to properly examine and treat our patients. Because of this, we are at extremely high risk for any airborne disease and will therefore require masks for the indefinite future.
If you would like to look at and try on glasses from our optical shop while you are waiting for your appointment, you will be asked to place them on a special table after touching them, so they may be disinfected before any other patients touch them. If you are interested in purchasing glasses and the Optician is engaged with another patient, you may be asked to reschedule or wait in your car until the Optician is available to help you.
You will notice staff members wearing masks at all times during your appointment. We have installed safety barriers at both the check in and check out areas to ensure everyone’s safety. We have also installed safety barriers on all slit lamps and lasers. We regularly use the recommended disinfectants to clean all ophthalmic instruments and office furniture. All doctors and technicians wash their hands between each patient. We are limiting talking by both the doctor and the patient during the exam itself
when closer than six feet apart. When the Doctor is examining you at the slit lamp, we ask that you hold any further conversation until after that examination.
In short, when you call NewView Eye Center with your eye concern, know that we are thinking of ways to manage your needs while doing everything we can to keep you and our staff safe. While so much has changed in our day-to-day lives, please know that we are here for you, and we look forward to providing you with excellent care for years to come. Thank you so much for trusting us with your eye care!