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Discover a Promising New Treatment for Presbyopia!

newviewdecblog2With age comes wisdom – and for many of us, presbyopia.  This age-related degenerative condition occurs when the lens of the eye loses its flexibility and becomes rigid.  Since the lens needs to adjust its curvature based on whether it’s looking at an object up-close or far away, this rigidity makes it difficult to look at objects that are close to the face.

As a result of this condition, many older individuals tend to need reading glasses in order to accommodate their vision.

Fortunately, there are new treatments for presbyopia on the horizon – and one of those treatments is PEARL (Presbyopic Allogenic Refractive Lenticule).  PEARL is a treatment that takes a small piece of cornea tissue and transplants it into another part.  This implantation process changes the shape of the cornea, which greatly improves nearsighted vision.

One of the biggest benefits to this treatment is that the patient’s own tissue is being used, rather than an artificial implant.  That means that complications and rejection are less likely, making the procedure much safer with higher success rates.

While research is still being conducted on PEARL, there are many other treatments that can help improve nearsighted vision associated with presbyopia.

To learn more about exciting new treatments for presbyopia, schedule an appointment with Dr. Jacqueline Griffiths at NewView Eye Center in Reston, Virginia.  Dr. Griffiths can provide you with lifesaving annual examinations and key advice that will keep your eyes healthy and happy, even if you’re living with presbyopia.

NewView Eye Center also serves the greater Washington, DC areas.