Back to School? How College Kids Can Protect Their Eyes
The back-to-school season is finally upon us – and that means college students are getting ready to embark on another year of adventure and learning. Unfortunately, these same college students may also be exposing their eye health to dangerous infections and diseases, thanks to the unsanitary conditions of campus life.
If you’re heading back to the dorms this September, here are a few ways you can keep your eyes healthy for the rest of the school year:
- Don’t swim or shower with your contact lenses on. Surprised by this advice? Consider this – exposing your contact lenses to water can increase the likelihood that you’ll develop acanthamoeba, a parasite that can cause a serious eye infection. Take out your contacts before showering or swimming to ensure your vision remains safe.
- Spend plenty of time outside. It’s not like we have to tell you this twice. But if you’re hitting the books in a dark library for too long, you could end up increasing your risk of becoming more nearsighted. Studies have shown that more than 50 percent of college students become nearsighted, with many researchers blaming too much time spent studying indoors. Take regular breaks outside, or plan a study session on the campus lawn.
- Wash your hands. You may be surprised how many college students forget to wash their hands before touching their eyes or handling their contact lenses. Clean hands are essential for maintaining heal
- Don’t share make-up. You may be tempted to borrow your friend’s lash-lengthening mascara, but resist the urge. Germs can be transferred via make-up, leading to nasty infections. Stick to your own make-up, and throw all eye make-up away after three months.
- Wear protective eye gear. If you play a sport, make sure you wear proper eye protection, like sports goggles. Sports can be the biggest cause of eye injuries, especially high-risk sports like baseball, tennis, and basketball.
Make sure you schedule an appointment to see your ophthalmologist before you head back to school. At NewView Laser Eye in Reston, Virginia – also serving the greater Washington, DC area – Dr. Jacqueline Griffiths can help ensure your next school year is your best one yet. Schedule your eye appointment at NewView Laser Eye in Reston today. Call 703-834-9777 today.