Can You Have Cataract Surgery to Restore Clear Vision?
If you suffer from cataracts, you may already know that cataract surgery can potentially help improve your vision. But is this true? Can…
May 22, 2019
Read PostCan Vision Correction Affect Brain Health?
Did you know that your eye health can play an important role in keeping your brain healthy? It’s true, particularly for seniors.
March 7, 2019
Read PostWhat Are the Signs of Cataracts?
Did you know that the natural lens within your eye improves your ability to see? That’s right – the natural lens filters light that…
January 24, 2018
What Are Cataracts?
Cataracts are surprisingly common, with over 70 percent of people over the age of 75 suffering from this disease. Even people as young…
December 28, 2017
Discover How Vitamin C Can Curb Cataracts
By now, you know that loading up your plate with lots of fruits and veggies is key to living a healthy lifestyle. After all, these…
April 25, 2016
How Quitting Smoking in 2016 Can Improve Your Eye Health
2016 is finally here – and that means you may have made a few resolutions when the clocks struck midnight on New Year’s Eve. If…
January 28, 2016
Why Seniors Should Spend More Time Outside
Whether you’re just beginning your retirement or are well into your golden years, you know that taking care of your eye health is an…
September 23, 2015
The Benefits of Cataract Surgery
For many people, cataracts may seem like just another component of the aging process. As we age, our eye lens – which…
June 26, 2015
Diagnosing Cataracts at a Younger Age
Image from Until recently, cataracts have typically been associated with older individuals – and for good reason: it’s one of the most common…
February 16, 2015
Study Reveals Cataract Surgery Patients Are Living Longer
Most people know that cataracts can prevent you from living a life that’s filled with clear and healthy vision. But did you know that…
June 18, 2014